12 Weeks of Prayer Week 10 Day 6
By Justin N. Citro
We as Christians enjoy reading the Word in times when we need a boost in our faith, need encouragement, and for many other reasons. As children of God, we know and understand the Bible is Holy, and it is shameful when we push it aside and ignore reading it. And since we are commanded by the Lord to meditate on His Word day and night, we should not neglect this command by letting the Word sit on a coffee table or bookshelf collecting dust. We are to devour the Word and let it sink deep into our hearts, letting it take root. The Lord wants us to get into His Word so He can talk to us or teach us something that we might need to learn or a warning of what could be coming up. Whatever it is, we must meditate on the Word of God. So many people know of the Bible and love to misinterpret its meaning and stories.
Twisting the Word is a hard subject to teach to the church. The Churches of today must wake up and go carry and teach the Word the way it was meant to be preached bringing the salvation message of Christ Jesus to the masses! If we do not preach the entire Truth of the Gospel and twist it to fit how we want to live instead of living how God wants us to, then we are twisting the Word of God. So, my fellow Christians I say this it is better for Christ to find us spreading and correctly teaching the Word when He comes back looking for a church without blemish! 2 Timothy 2:2 KJV says, "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also." What this is telling us is that in order to faithfully preach the Word, we must be faithful to the Word. For faith without works is dead, so we must build each other up in the most holy faith so we can go out and spread the message of Jesus. The Word of God is something that is alive and relevant in this day and age. We must not be twisting but preaching and teaching it accurately. Brother and Sisters, I encourage you to make sure you are read up in the Word and always be prepared to go and share the salvation message of the Lord Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father, I thank you for Your Word. Help me to get deeply rooted in Your Word as I read and study it. Help me to learn of Your laws and commandments and to walk steadfastly in obedience. Father, give me the words to convey Your message of salvation. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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