4 Days of Prayer Day 28
Written By Justin Noah Citro

“For thus said the LORD of hosts,
after his glory sent me to the nations
who plundered you,
for he who touches you
touches the apple of his eye:”
Zechariah 2:8
For centuries, Israel has been the chosen holy land of God. The nation of Israel and people of this promised land of God has been the center of Biblical events all the way from Genesis to Revelation and until the glorious coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The land of Israel has constantly been under attack by his enemies wanting to destroy the Land of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The land of Israel is the "apple of the middle east." Israel contains Rich Diamonds, Fruits, Petroleum, and other items to share with the world. Based on these alone, there is evidence that only God would provide the land with these riches. Now in the world today Israel is making peace with its enemies in the Arab world only God could preform this miracle to further advance his will for His chosen nation. Let's see what the Bible says about Israel and the nations surrounding it. The Bible says in the book of Zechariah 2:8, "For Thus said the Lord of hosts, after his glory sent me to the nations who plundered you, for he who touches you touches the apple of his eye." What this verse is explaining is those who come to attack or to cause opposition not only touches the land of Israel but the God himself. We as Christians should always pray for the peace of Israel and Her capital city Jerusalem and as we pray God will hear our prayer! In closing, My Brothers and Sisters, remember that God has the victory of all peace deals, elections and other matters of this world but we are blessed to know that our God has the victory and the final say!
PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank You for the continued Victory You have over Your land Israel and the Arab world. Lord, we thank You for the continued victory we have in You! In Jesus' Name, Amen. Praise & Worship: Do It Again By Elevation Worship: https://youtu.be/0B_lnQIITxU