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Deception Vs the Church.

Justin Citro

Deception in this day and age is alive and well-fed by the evils of this world, deception's main goal is to take the God-fearing Christian and replace the truth the Christian has learned with lies, fear, and a worldly view of Jehovah. But an important question arises, "why do we let deception in our lives?" Let us see what the bible says about Deception in this day and age. The Bible says in Romans 12:2 (KJV) "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." This passage in Romans describes in detail why we should not have the mindset of this world for the things of this world corrupt the mind of the believer. One of the many reasons deception comes in is because there is a lack of discerning between what is just and unjust. The Apostle Paul is very clear in the second part of this verse is to put on a new mind, so you can distinguish between good and evil. For deception alters the will of God for our lives by instilling fear in our lives fear then leads us to doubt the Lord of all, this is one of the many tools the devil uses to discourage us Christians. But fear not my brothers and sisters for if we put on the mindset of Christ and began to rebuke the spirit of deception, deception has no choice but to flee. Deception has no power over the Christian who is firmly rooted in Christ. But If you have given into the lies that Deception has brought, I say to you repent and put on the mind of Christ of our Lord! In these Last Days having a sound mind is important for the protection of our faith, for satan is on the hunt looking to attack the people of God who have been deceived (1 Peter 5:8). I close with this message of Hope. My brothers and sisters, pray for wisdom and strength and build yourself up in the word of God and rebuke Deception that may rearise in your life and pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ for there is Power in His name! For when we seek the Lord he is there and He answers and rescues his people in times of trouble. PRAYER: Dear, Lord I thank you that you have protected me from the evils of deception and Now Lord I rebuke any form of deception in the name of Jesus, and Lord I pray for wisdom and strength in the name of Jesus Christ I pray Amen!

Justin Noah Citro

Vice President of Thread of Hope, Inc.

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