To All Our Subscribers & Followers:
The latest issue of Everyday Life Fall Winter 2020 Issue is out and ready for you to read. Come read articles by Pastor Tim Shuttlesworth, Dr. Dariel "DT" Henry, Dr. Mark Taylor, Dr. Carol Drake Wheatley, and there's more. Check out this latest issue we have titled "Set Free" at Magazine: Everyday Life | Thread of Hope.
"...But, this time I was stepping out on my own. I felt anxious about promoting a course strictly for white and non-black people. I thought to myself: Will my black community think I was a sell-out? Would people feel this course was some sort of reverse racism, or white bashing? What made me most anxious was freeing myself from worrying so heavily about everyone's opinion and going with what I knew God had placed in my heart to do..."
"Setting Free To Live Your Purpose"
By Dr. Dariel "DT" Henry