To All of Our Neighbors Around the Globe:
As you go into the New Year 2021,
it is our hope and our prayer that
you grow in the grace and knowledge of
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
as you walk in surrender and
obedience to Him.

"May the LORD bless you and keep you;
may the LORD cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
may the LORD lift up His countenance toward you and give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26
Heavenly Father, thank You for keeping watch over us this year. Thank You for being our Protector and the God who never slumbers or sleeps. Thank You for upholding us with Your righteous right hand. You, O God, are faithful. Your mercies are new every morning, and Your compassion fails not. In this new year, Father, may we be shaped and molded by You. May we go forth boldly to testify of Your goodness. Use us for Your glory. May we be empowered by You to speak forth Your truth and stand against injustice. Be with us, O Lord, and be our Guide and Instructor. Teach us Your Ways and Your commands. Help us to shine brightly that we may be Your hands extended that You, O Lord, might be glorified in and through us. As we keep our minds and our eyes fixed upon You, we know that You will keep us in perfect peace because we are trusting in You. To You be all the glory, all the praise, and all the honor. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
From all of us here at Thread of Hope,
Have a safe, healthy, prosperous, and blessed New Year.
Praise & Worship: Great Is Thy Faithfulness | Maranatha! Music (Lyric Video) - YouTube