Like the air we breathe is oxygen to our lungs, effective prayer is the oxygen to our spiritual life with God.
Have you ever run out of gas when driving your car and had to be at a must meeting only to realize you didn’t have AAA auto and were stuck in the middle of nowhere? Even with a newer vehicle, it doesn’t matter; the car isn’t going anywhere without gasoline.
The Christian walk cannot be lived out in our own strength, no matter how hard we try. We need God’s power of the Holy Spirit and presence to sustain us on a daily basis.
Even if I diligently read God’s Word, but spend no time in prayer, time alone with God, our spiritual walk will not grow because prayer is the fuel to have an effective walk with the Lord.
It’s important to have a quiet time with yourself and the Lord alone. We have to spend, or I like to say invest time with God, and make it a priority. It takes commitment and self-discipline to pray and grow on a regular basis.
It’s just like when you work out or go to the gym. How do you feel after a good workout? Usually, we feel great and want to take on the world for that day! Of course, to get in shape and stay healthy takes a lot of self-discipline and eating right.
If you’re in a rut and need fuel in your tank spend some time alone with God whether it’s 5 minutes or 50 minutes just do it and take the first step. Let the focus be on the Lord and allow God the Father to speak to you even if it’s something we do not want to hear.
The best feeling I have at the gym is when I’m leaving, but half the battle is getting there!
“When you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who sees in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you,” Matthew 6:6.
Have a great day and weekend, My Friend.
Pastor Andy Provitola