30 May 2022
I will show my love to those who passionately love me. For they will search and search continually until they find me. Unending wealth and glory come to those who discover where I dwell. The riches of righteousness and long satisfying life will be given to them. Proverbs 8:17 TPT
God left us with His word so that we can spend our lives here on earth manifesting this very word. You have rest from all toils of this life if you pursue God and His word. I love how the Father gives us clarity and answer to prayers when He talks to us. You know some people think searching for God is a waste of time. Yet this is the doorway to everything we will ever need in this lifetime. To love God and to passionately love God are two different things. Just imagine anything you have a passion for, surely you give it your undivided attention, isn’t it? This is how we are to be loving our God, give your Father all your attention happily not grudgingly, daily. To search for God is what we are all about. Our Father cannot be a mystery to us. The voice of God should be that voice we are most familiar with than any other voice.
Here are some of the benefits of finding God:
A) Answered prayers.
B) Clarity of who you are and the plans He has for you.
C) Unending wealth and Glory.
D) A long and satisfying life.
To search for God and find Him means you have discovered His dwelling place. Where His glory overflows and manifests all that is good and Godly here on earth for you. May we understand the importance of finding the blessing of His indwelling presence. Wealth and glory are a result of pursuing God not the other way around. It is a waste of your precious allocated time here on earth to chase after these things. The day you learn to trust God and how seriously He takes His word is the day you will trust God with all your being and all that concerns you. God is a keeper, when you fully surrender your life in His hands, He will keep you from all falling.
But first and most importantly see (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right - the attitude and character of God), and all these things will be given to you also. Mathew 6: 33 AMP
No man is satisfied, joyful, and has peace who twists this formula by first seeking things before finding their place in God. This is why you have people who have accumulated earthly riches (these things) and yet are feeling empty and living a meaningless life. Some find earthly distractions like alcohol etc to fill the void that is created by not walking rightly with God. May we understand the importance of finding the blessing of His indwelling presence.
Lulama Konza