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A Voice of Hope to Those Without Hope

5 April 2022

I can no better explain what Voice of Hope represents than through the voice of Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro. "Voice of Hope is committed and devoted to being an avenue that will help others grow spiritually, emotionally, and in knowledge."


Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro brings wonderful insights and wisdom. Nothing less than precious pearls from her pen.


“So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” Matthew 7:11

God loves to give us good gifts. I never really understood this truth, until I had Ellianna. This is just an incredible story. Ellianna had the bluest eye color ever. Just beautiful. But, she wanted green eyes like mine. Every single day for 2 years she prayed, “God please give me green eyes like my mommy.” Do you know how hard it was to hear a 3-year-old pray this for two straight years? I made a huge deal about how beautiful her blue eyes were, and that I wanted her color eyes. I did everything I could do to get her to accept her blue eyes. Ellianna refused to accept it. “No, Mommy, I am going to pray for green eyes.” I still remember that blue-eyed little girl, with curly blonde hair, with her little thumb in her mouth sucking on it. I hug her and think to myself, “God, she’s not going to get green eyes, help me to help her accept that.” Can you imagine the shock on my face when I came home from work and Ellianna was waiting for me to show me that God had now made her eyes green? Talk about a speechless moment for me. I stood there, looking into her eyes. I said, “Ellianna, what happened to your blue eyes, they are green.” Her little face beaming with joy, smiling at me with those cute little teeth. Her eyes were twinkling. I just stood there, in complete silence. So many thoughts were coming to my mind. “Lord, You changed the color of Ellianna’s eyes from blue to green! You really listened to that prayer and You went and changed the color of her eyes?” Tonight, Ellianna took a picture of her eye and then drew it. It’s her eye, green as green could be. When I saw the drawing I was deeply moved. You see, to have faith like a child. To believe God can do anything. To trust and believe He will answer our prayers. Every single time I talk to Ellianna, those green eyes constantly remind me that God hears our prayers. He delights in giving us good gifts. Whatever your praying for don’t give up. God cares about every single little thing just like Ellianna’s green eyes.

Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro.

Founder and President

Thread of Hope Inc.


Hosea 8:1 “Set the trumpet to your lips! [The enemy] comes as a [great] vulture against the house of the Lord, because they have broken my covenant and transgressed against my law.”

The message is a call to each one that will heed the call to prepare as soldiers would prepare for war. To put on the full armor of light as to stand fully equipped against the dominion of darkness in these last days. The mandate is to equip and make ready a people for the soon return of their King.


Revelation 19: 7-9

7. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife had made herself ready.

8. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

9. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.

To be the bride of Christ is the preparation of our life. The bride of Christ is she who desires and longs for her Groom. Her whole being yearns after Him. There is a fiery passion within her that consumes her through and through taking control of her every thought. She will do everything possible to capture His love, His affection, His heart, for no one else will do. Her desire is for Him and only Him, for her there is no one more perfect, more amazing, no one to be more desired than Him. Her purpose is to be the perfect bride. With great care and time spent, she makes herself ready for her Groom. To be His wife is her highest calling, therefore she will be sure that when He sees her He will be without words seeing her beauty and her perfection, appreciating her effort to be ready and to look her best for Him. She has this one opportunity to please her Groom and she will do everything in her power to not disappoint Him.

The bride desires intimate knowledge of the one she loves, to know everything there is to know about Him therefore she gives special attention to getting to know the lover of her soul. She is committed to being faithful unto Him even unto death and she will never betray His love for her, for no one loves her as He loves her, no one sees her as he sees her, no one is more worthy of her heart and her love. She has no desire for another but beholds His face before her always. He had made an in print upon her heart.

In anticipation she awaits the moment He will come for her to make her His bride. She will leave this world behind her caught up in the loving arms of her Groom. The One who had captured her heart. She will forever be where He is never again to be apart. What a day of laughter, joy, and celebration it will be. His bride has made herself ready!

"How I long for you, my love. Can this be the day? Can this be the hour? I have made myself ready for my Groom. Every detail of my appearance brought to perfection to please you, my love. How long still? How long until I see you face to face!"

The Spirit and the Bride say come! Come, Lord Jesus, come!

Thereze Catherine Barnard


Voice of Hope Blog


"The Most Valuable of all Jewelry"

Each exclusive design had been created by Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro and produced by Princess Diamonds for both men and women. To order, please click the link and send an email to

What makes each piece so valuable is that all proceeds go 100% to support TOH charities and not toward salaries.

Rahab's Thread of Hope speaks about a heart of love and compassion.

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Ti Amo (I Love You}

Teresa's Heart, A necklace that melts a heart

Heart Necklace Italian silver $125

To order, please click the link and send an email to

Lulama Konza

Marketing Director


“You are Altogether Beautiful my Darling; there is no Flaw in You."

Each of Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro's amazing products provides women around the world with anti-aging benefits that make a difference.

100% of all proceeds go to benefit Thread of Hope charities, not salaries.


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Continually working towards bringing you new products.

Should you like to purchase our product for $35 Click here: Chubby Blender

Lulama Konza

Marketing Director


Lulama Konza, Marketing Director

View our live broadcasts. Follow us and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Click here: Thread of Hope, Inc. Official YouTube Page.


- Monday

A Reason for Hope with Ps. Eddie and Justin.


To watch click here : A Reason for Hope

- Tuesday

Light of the World with Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro / Apostle Lulama Konza / Linda Agnes Knowles / Thereze Barnard.


To watch click here: Light of the World


A Call to Grace with Thereze Barnard and Linda Agnes Knowles.


To watch click here: A Call to Grace


The Thread with Lulama Konza

8:30 AM EST // 2:30 PM SAST/EET // 12:30 PM WAT/GMT

To watch click here: The Thread

A Reason for Hope with Ps. Eddie and Justin.


To watch click here: A Reason for Hope

Lulama Konza

Marketing Director

As the Editor-in-Chief, I want to thank each of our readers for taking the time to read this edition of our blog. I believe that each blog will inspire and bless you, but most importantly make known unto you the hope that is found in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Thereze Catherine Barnard


Voice of Hope Blog

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