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A Voice of Hope to Those Without Hope

30 March 2022

I can no better explain what Voice of Hope represents than through the voice of Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro. "Voice of Hope is committed and devoted to being an avenue that will help others grow spiritually, emotionally, and in knowledge."


Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro brings wonderful insights and wisdom. Nothing less than precious pearls from her pen.


Mark 9:23

What do you mean, "if I can?" Jesus asked. "Anything is possible if a person believes."

God specializes in the impossible. He shows up in the middle of the impossible and makes a way to be possible. The impossible is possible. Take your place in the household of faith and trust God.

Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro.

Founder and President

Thread of Hope Inc.


Hosea 8:1 “Set the trumpet to your lips! [The enemy] comes as a [great] vulture against the house of the Lord, because they have broken my covenant and transgressed against my law.”

The message is a call to each one that will heed the call to prepare as soldiers would prepare for war. To put on the full armor of light as to stand fully equipped against the dominion of darkness in these last days. The mandate is to equip and make ready a people for the soon return of their King.


Acts 1:7

And He said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father has put in His in power.

There is something to be learned from the words of Jesus. He was preparing His disciples to be able to remain faithful in every season no matter how pressing it might become. He was saying to His disciples, listen carefully to what I am saying to you now, it matters not the time or the season you find yourself in. That is not your concern. Only the Father has the power over the time and the seasons you are in. Only He can bring your season to an end and only He can take you into a new season. Should you find yourself in a pressing season? Should you find yourself in deep waters where you are holding on for life or maybe you are right there in the fiery furnace of affliction. Trust God. Do not pray to the Father to end your season for He has you in that season for a reason. Let go and let God. Fall back in the arms of your Father and trust in His love for you. He says in His Word, I know the plans I have for you. Plans to give you hope and a future and not harm you. Rather pray to the Father to keep you through this season. Rather pray to the Father to keep you from aborting the plan of God for your life. He was saying to them. hear me! Do not focus on the deep waters or the fiery furnace. Do not focus on the pressing of the season rather focus on the one who has power over your season.

Jesus when being mocked, insulted and false witnesses brought against Him did not open His mouth. Jesus when being spat on, and beaten even to a state of not being recognized did not retaliate. Jesus when faced with the cross did not leave the cross on the road and walk away. Jesus when lying there on that very cross that would take His life and the nails were put into His hands and feet, every blow bringing such excruciating pain did not get up from the cross even though He was fully able to do so. Jesus when things became tough prayed to the Father if it is possible to let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou will. Jesus trusted the Father with His life and He trusted in the power that the Father gave through the Holy Spirit, the reason He said to His disciples the times and the seasons are not your concern BUT you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. You will receive power from the Father Himself to be able to get through every season life brings no matter how pressing it might become.

Acts 1:8

BUT ye shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit has come upon you: and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth.

Jesus knew that His disciples and every believer after them would go through times and seasons and some of these seasons would press them and their faith would be tested to the full. He wanted to shift their focus from the season to the power granted unto each of them that would keep them through the most pressing seasons and would keep them even unto the end.

2 Corinthians 4:7-9

7. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power maybe of God, and not of us.

8. We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed, we are perplexed, but not in despair.

9. Persecuted, but not forsaken, cast down but not destroyed.

We have received the promise of the Father, the power of the Holy Spirit to remain faithful in any season. He gave us this power as He foreknew and predestined every season. Why would we pray to the Father to change our season when He is the one who controls our seasons and He is the only One who has the power over every season. Do we think that He has at any time lost power over the times and the seasons of our lives? We have been predestined for every season and we have been equipped to stand and remain standing in every season for we have this treasure in our earthen vessel, the glorious, unlimited power of the Holy Spirit.

We are never left forsaken in our season of pressing for what can separate us from the love of God that has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who now lives in us. There is a reason for your season. Trust God!

Thereze Catherine Barnard


Voice of Hope Blog


"The Most Valuable of all Jewelry"

Each exclusive design had been created by Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro and produced by Princess Diamonds for both men and women. To order, please click the link and send an email to

What makes each piece so valuable is that all proceeds go 100% to support TOH charities and not toward salaries.

Rahab's Thread of Hope speaks about a heart of love and compassion.

1. Heart Bracelet in Italian silver $99

2. Heart Bracelet in Yellow or White gold $205

To order, please click the link and send an email to


Ti Amo (I Love You}

Teresa's Heart, A necklace that melts a heart

Heart Necklace Italian silver $125

To order, please click the link and send an email to

Lulama Konza

Marketing Director


“You are Altogether Beautiful my Darling; there is no Flaw in You."

Each of Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro's amazing products provides women around the world with anti-aging benefits that make a difference.

100% of all proceeds go to benefit Thread of Hope charities, not salaries.


  • Nude Nature

  • Skinny Dip

  • Pale Petal

  • Bubbly

  • Firebrick

  • Newberry

  • Sugar Berry

  • Ice Wine

  • Jubilant

  • Pink Pompadour

  • Tickled Pink

  • Jovial

Please note: colors and products may be sold out or changed without notice.

Citro Cosmetics and skincare are continually working towards bringing you new products.

Should you like to purchase our product for $29 Click here: Store/Lips/Lip Gloss

Lulama Konza

Marketing Director


Lulama Konza, Marketing Director

View our live broadcasts. Follow us and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Click here: Thread of Hope, Inc. Official YouTube Page.


- Monday

A Reason for Hope with Ps. Eddie and Justin.


To watch click here : A Reason for Hope

- Tuesday

Light of the World with Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro / Apostle Lulama Konza / Linda Agnes Knowles / Thereze Barnard.


To watch click here: Light of the World


A Call to Grace with Thereze Barnard and Linda Agnes Knowles.


To watch click here: A Call to Grace


The Thread with Lulama Konza

8:30 AM EST // 2:30 PM SAST/EET // 12:30 PM WAT/GMT

To watch click here: The Thread

A Reason for Hope with Ps. Eddie and Justin.


To watch click here: A Reason for Hope

Lulama Konza

Marketing Director

As the Editor-in-Chief, I want to thank each of our readers for taking the time to read this edition of our blog. I believe that each blog will inspire and bless you, but most importantly make known unto you the hope that is found in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Thereze Catherine Barnard


Voice of Hope Blog

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