25 July 2022
No, God will never give up on His children. He is the groom that never forsakes His bride. The bible says that 2 Peter 3:9 AMP The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] and is not slow about His promise as some count slowness, but is [extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. If God gave up on His children then this scripture would not exist. God is the loving Father who lovingly nudges us in the right direction in each and every step of our lives. God allows us through the free will He gave us to become what He said we should be. This is inclusive of the mistakes, the gains, and the losses that we make in life in pursuit of making it in life. As the children of God, only the word of God has the capacity to align us so that we may be who God has said we are. Anytime we drift away from the word of God our lives drift in the wrong direction. At times our lives may look like God has given up on us and this is not the case. When our lives look dry as if there is no God in them, it is when we have made the choices without conforming to the word of God.
There are times when it may seem God has left you and His voice has gone completely silent. Those are usually the seasons where Abba is training you and conforming you to His word through the life experiences you encounter. Every child of God goes through the wilderness. As long as you belong to God you will inevitably go through the wilderness, this is the time we are meant to be trained to fully depend on God and leave all that’s of this world behind us. Look at our Lord Jesus Christ, right on the cross, after He had a clear understanding of what He came here on earth to do. He asked His Father why He has forsaken Him, so who are we then not to go through such moments in life where we think God has given up on us. So, it is clear that God does not give up on us, instead, it is us that sometimes give up on God and turn our backs on Him because of a lack of patience and understanding of what we are going through. God in His word said He will never leave us nor forsake us, we better believe that.
Lulama Konza